The Cover Loft services many marinas in the Annapolis area, as well as locations at private homes and community docks. We generally travel within a one-hour area of Annapolis, including parts of the Eastern Shore and Baltimore. We do offer special consideration for local transients that are traveling through the area. We can even meet you at your boat with our boat if necessary!
Here is a partial listing of marinas that we service:
A&M Marine AMCYC Annapolis Capital Yacht Club Annapolis City Dock Annapolis City Marina Annapolis Landing Annapolis Sailing School Annapolis Yacht Basin Annapolis Yacht Club Bay Bridge Marina Bert Jabins Black Dog Boatworks Brickhouse Cape St. Clair Casa Rio Castle Harbor Marina Charthouse Chesapeake Harbor Marina Crownsville Downs Marina Eastport Yacht Club Fairwinds Marina Ferry Point Harborside Herrington Harbor North Herrington Harbor South Horn Point Knapps Narrows | Liberty Marina Magothy Marina Maryland Capital Yacht Club Mears Marinas Oak Grove Marina Old Arnold Gay Marina Parish Creek Marina-West River Pier 4 Pier 7 Pier A Pirates Cove Pleasure Cove Marina Port Annapolis Rhode River Marina Sarles Seafarer Marina Severn House Severna Park off Hillcrest Lane Shearwater Smith Marina South River Marina Tecumseh Marina Tide Water Marina Watergate Village Waterman Marine Weems Creek Whitehall Marina |
Just saw the new dodger tonight- it is beautiful! Am dazzled that you can execute this in 3-d space! Nice work!
Dear Sean,
It is a pleasure to write this note to tell how satisfied we are with the all enclosed Bimini and Dodger. We took a test sail and then it was when Sarah began noting the amount of details on your work. She keep pointing and marvelling at the convenience of the flaps that gave access to all the lines, the cut-outs at the right place to accommodate the shape of the cockpit, the Bimini window that let you see the main sail, the detail in the winch cover so that the wind would not blow them over and on and on…
Sarah is very motivated to go sailing even this early in the season since the enclosure keeps the cockpit warm, another plus for both of us.
In short the work was done ahead of schedule and with professionalism not found too often this days. We are pleased that you did the work for us. We also wish you and your staff many busy working days ahead.
Isaac Valentin
Dear Sean & Company: Trish and I wanted to send you and your fabulous team a THANK YOU and a job well done! We were very impressed with the quality of canvas made for our boat Fuel N’ Around that we simply had to write you folks a letter letting you know how pleased we are. The fitting of the canvas is extremely well and the stitching department did a great job as well! We endured our first hard rain and all was dry in the cockpit area; something that we were not used to for sure! We have enclosed your check for the balance due,and we look forward to a continued business relationship with you and your team.
See you soon…
Dan and Trish Carney
Dear Sean and Lis: Thank you so much for the superb service; I have never dealt with a more responsive canvas company/people in my life! I feel like everyone else is stuck in the 20th century. On another note, I am sending the bimini boot cover to Sean to replace the broken zipper. Please send it back to me when it is complete. Have a great day!
Scott Shulman
Sean and Lis: My husband, Ed, has already put the new windscreen in and it looks great!!!!!!!!!! What a joy it will be, just even blocking the wind. I have the tools in the box, and I have a friend leaving on Friday; I will have her mail the tools back to you. I assume the address that is in your letter is correct, unless you let me know a different address over the next day or two. My husband put the windscreen in in an hour and a half. We started teasing him, and saying, that is you ever need a Caribbean rep to travel around and put the windscreens in, he is fast, and efficient. Thank you again for your prompt, efficient, efforts. I doubt you ever need help, but if any one is ever questioning the screens, feel free to give them our email address. You should contact Newton boats directly and offer these screens; they are a much nicer quality than what was offered from Newton. The original screen we bought from Newton, only since it was the only thing offered.
Thanks Again,
Gay and Ed
Lis and Sean: Thank you so much! Appreciate your expedient service…I understand you made the adjustments to my credit card. Very Good- that was the best way to do it. I will let you know when I receive the order. And again, thanks!
Sean and Lis: It is here and it is beautiful! It is a perfect fit and I will forward pictures of it as soon as I can get some while it’s still light outside. It got here today. Since the back of our condo faces the main road into our complex, we’re going to wrap it in lights for the Christmas season. I’ll send you those pictures as well. The construction of the cover is very impressive. Sean and Lis, I couldn’t be more pleased. Thank you so very much. Please begin the billing process so I can pay you for my beautiful cover. Your address will stay in my address book for referrals as they occur. I can’t get over what a beautiful job you did!!! We will display the cover proudly and prominently and use your name liberally. I don’t know who’s idea it was to promote your product on the Web, but, as we say here in Carolina Blue country, “they done good.” I couldn’t be more pleased!
With sincerest regards,
Hello Lis and Sean: I just wanted to say how impressed I was with your service last week. I called on Tuesday needing Phifertex and webbing, and I needed it by Thursday. The order arrived as specified on Thursday, and just yesterday I received confirmation from you with the total charges. Between the friendly service and the low shipping charges, we will definitely order from you again!
Thanks Again,
Nica Waters
Sean: Thanks to you and George for a beautiful job! Please send me a final invoice showing that I have paid in full for Invoice 1508.
Jerry Hanline
Sean: Boat cover looks great. 50% check is enclosed. If there are any incidentals let me know. I am going to send you the snap-on cockpit cover to be repaired and restitched.
Jerry Brady
Sean: A beautiful job. Please feel free to use my name as a reference any time!
Al Dicenso
Sean: The work looks great!